Aims & Objectives

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Aims & Objectives

The following aims and objectives have been formulated to achieve our stated purpose:

  • To build and strengthen Christian character and commitment, by emphasizing personal and community spiritual disciplines essential to the educational process.
  • To equip students with Christ- centered, biblically oriented graduate studies, which is faithful to the Pentecostal- Evangelical Tradition and relevant to the South Asian Pluralistic context.
  • To prepare students for ministry and leadership, to serve as pastors, teachers, and Missionary- evangelists.
  • To help develop positive social attitudes and relational skills that will enable students to relate effectively within a culturally diverse community.
  • To provide and facilitate purposeful activities for the wholistic growth and development of the students.


Dayspring Christian seminary has membership/ Affiliation with the following associations/ institutions.

  • Dayspring Theological University - Dallas, Texas - USA.
  • IFGF College of Leadership- CA, USA,
  • Global Mission- world Harvest- CA, USA,
  • Our degree programs - C. Th. to Ph.D. are fully accredited by an International Accreding Body.
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