Bachelor of Theology

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Bachelor of Theology

The approved program of study for the Bachelor of Theology degree covers a period of three academic years. In this programs concentrations are offered in three areas: Pastoral Ministry, Teaching Ministry and Missions & Evangelism.

Pre Theology

  • Remedial English
  • Basic Spirituality
  • Study & Research Methods

First Year ( Semester 1 & 2)

  • Introduction to the Bible
  • Introduction to Christian Education
  • The Pentecostal Movement
  • History of Christianity
  • Theology
  • Pentateuch
  • Introduction to Christian
  • Missionin
  • Life of Christ
  • Pauline Epistles

Second Year ( Semester 3 & 4)

  • Principles of Preaching
  • General Epistles & Hebrew
  • Prophetic Movement & Prophetic Books
  • Johannine Writings
  • Major Religions of Asia
  • 2. Principles of Preaching II
  • Theology II
  • Christian Ethics

Third Year ( Semester 5 & 6)

  • Hebrew Poetry & Wisdom
  • History of Christianity in Asia
  • Apologetics
  • Cult & the Occult
  • Pastoral care and counseling
  • Ministry, Leadership & Management
  • Introduction to the Evangelism
  • Basic idea of Integrity

Student must complete following assignments:

  • Weekly make a sermon weather you get chance to preach or not five pages.
  • Read the note and make a reflection and summary 3 pages.
  • Find the topic related book and read at least 200 pages and make a note two pages.
  • Essay writing- the topic will be given.

Note :Sermon must be completed weekly with following outline:

  • Bible reference
  • Introduction
  • Must be three outline or more we called body
  • Summary
  • Application:
    • What did you learn?
    • How you will apply in your life?
    • How you want to multiply that you have learned?