Welcome to DC Seminary

Dayspring Christian seminary is an integral part of the world - wide fellowship of the International Full Gospel Fellowship (IFGF) and adheres to its Statement of Faith.

The vision of Dayspring Christian seminary was born in 2012 with the founding of a small institute name as "Study God’s Word" for the purpose of making available to the Church of Southern Asia an opportunity for Christian ministerial training with English as the medium of instruction. In its early stages this institution offered only a year course and below. After that slowly we also started to offer B.Th. and M. Div., and then the all others courses of study.

Today DCS serves as the premier theological Institution of the International Full Gospel Fellowship (IFGF). DCS has endeavored to maintain a high academic standard, combined with a vital spiritual emphasis and practical ministerial experience. As of now, more than hundreds of alumni of DCS serve God in various ministries throughout South Asia and elsewhere.

Dayspring Christain University
Our Courses

Degrees Offered In Theology/ Ministry

Certificate of Theology

In the context of stress and strain experienced by persons, families and communities following rapid social change and consequent collapse of support systems in the Indian society, Dayspring Christain Seminary offers the Certificate in Theology.

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Diploma of Theology

In the context of stress and strain experienced by persons, families and communities following rapid social change and consequent collapse of support systems in the Indian society, Dayspring Christain Seminary offers the Diploma in Theology.

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Bachelor of Theology

In the context of stress and strain experienced by persons, families and communities following rapid social change and consequent collapse of support systems in the Indian society, Dayspring Christain Seminary offers the Bachelor Of Theology.

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Doctorate In Ministry

In the context of stress and strain experienced by persons, families and communities following rapid social change and consequent collapse of support systems in the Indian society, Dayspring Christain Seminary offers the Doctorate in Ministry.

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Doctorate In Theology

In the context of stress and strain experienced by persons, families and communities following rapid social change and consequent collapse of support systems in the Indian society, Dayspring Christain Seminary offers the Certificate in Theology.

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Masters of Divinity

In the context of stress and strain experienced by persons, families and communities following rapid social change and consequent collapse of support systems in the Indian society, Dayspring Christain Seminary offers the Masters of Divinity.

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DCS has membership/ Affiliation with the associations/ institutions are following:

  • Dayspring Theological University USA
  • Nations Association for Theological Accreditation NATA
  • IFGF College of Leadership- CA, USA ,
  • Global Mission- world Harvest- CA, USA.
  • The Global Partnership for Theological Accreditation and Mission (GPTAM)
  • ISO 9001 :2015 Certified
  • Registered with WB Government
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Numbers Are Talking

Our Educational Growth and Success Story

Dayspring Christian Seminary is focused on training and equipping Christian leaders to become agents of change in their communities and beyond. By building a network of Christ-like leaders who are committed to transforming lives, families, communities, and nations.






Theology Courses


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