Master of Theology

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Master of Theology

Master of theology is a course comprising 4 semesters including subjects related to theology. The course curriculum includes the electives too. In the below given table, find the semester wise syllabus of the course:

Pre Theology

  • Remedial English
  • Basic Spirituality
  • Study & Research Methods

First Year ( Semester 1 & 2)

  • New Testament Greek only concept
  • Biblical Hebrew only concept
  • Advanced Theology 1
  • Preaching
  • Advanced Theology 2
  • Preaching
  • Advanced Theology 2
  • Advanced Romans
  • Introduction to Study of Bible -
  • Religion and Religions
  • Advanced Theology 3
  • Advanced Theology 4
  • NT Theory
  • Greek Exegetical Methods
  • Advanced History of Fundamentalism

Second Year ( Semester 3 & 4)

  • Advanced Pastoral Theology and Baptist Distinctive
  • Advanced Bibliography
  • Issues in Dispensationalism
  • Pre Tribulation Rapture
  • Hebrew Exegesis
  • World Missions
  • Issue of Ethics
  • Charismatic Movement
  • Thesis
  • Greek Exegesis
  • Contemporary Evangelical Issues
  • Premillennialism

Reference Reading: Master of Theology Books

Theology is an excellent subject if you have an ultimate desire to study about religions, culture and traditions. The study of theology allows you to attain the skills of critical analyzing, dealing with human relations and good communication skills. Master of theology books allows you to gain knowledge of faith, divinity, nature existence, Jesus Christ history, bible translations and alike. Few of the top Master of Theology books are listed below which one should give a read:

  • Evangelical Hermeneutics: The New Versus the Old
  • Surprise by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and mission of the church
  • The Church: A Theological and Historical Account
  • Systematic Theology
  • The Trinity
  • Christology: The Doctrine of Church
  • Eternity and Time and other books

Student must complete following assignments:

  • Weekly make a sermon weather you get chance to preach or note five pages.
  • Read the note and make a reflection and summary 7 pages.
  • Find the topic related book and read at least 500 pages and make a note four pages.
  • Essay writing- the topic will be given.

Note :Sermon must be completed weekly with following outline:

  • Bible reference
  • Introduction
  • Must be three outline or more we called body
  • Summary
  • Application:
    • What did you learn?
    • How you will apply in your life?
    • How you want to multiply that you have learned?