Master of Theology in Missiology

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Master of Theology in Missiology

This postgraduate programme forms part of our ETS Centre for Mission and will be attractive to those who want to develop their academic interests in mission, whether local or global, and to develop knowledge and skills that will make them more effective in their chosen career.
The Master of Missiology is a two-year theological master's degree focused on Christian ministry in cross cultural contexts. Students complete core courses in theological and biblical studies, ministry foundations and then may choose to concentrate on global or urban missions, or they may select a number of "I" courses that focus on urban studies, global missiology, intercultural understanding, and church planting.

Course Requirements

The Master of Missiology is comprised of the basic theological and biblical masters core (24 hours) offered by the seminary with an additional 6 hours of ministry foundations, followed by 19 hours of Missiology/ Intercultural Studies courses.

Biblical/Theological Core
  • Biblical/Theological Core
  • Old Testament Introduction I
  • Old Testament Introduction II
  • New Testament Introduction I
  • New Testament Introduction II
  • Church History I
  • Church History II
  • Christian Theology I
  • Christian Theology II
Foundational Core
  • Foundations for Ministry
  • Leadership in Ministry Practicum*
Missiology Core
  • Introduction to Missions
  • Intercultural Communications
  • Basic Evangelism